April 24, 2017
April 18, 2017
Stunning Fantasy / Serious Fun / Snail Friend
How can one city be so beautiful? Visiting always makes me want to move to San Francisco. I know I would miss my family and East Coast friends a lot, but the sheer beauty of this place would probably be worth the distance. I’m lucky to have such wonderful friends in this city, too, who are like a breath of fresh air after the stifling loneliness of my work-from-home isolation in Nashville.
April 12, 2017
Cheekwood in Bloom
March 31, 2017
Nashville Scenes
I’ll miss Nashville if I leave it. It wasn’t easy, moving to a new city where I knew no one. But I’ve built up enough connections here, and worked hard enough to get to know the city, that I’ll definitely miss it when I’m gone.
March 16, 2017
March: TN/NC
A friend recently brought to my attention that I’ve neglected this blog in the past few months. I can’t say I’m too upset about that, though, because it’s directly linked to my comparative success in writing professionally. The more I get paid to write, the less time I have for unpaid writing… But I do want to maintain this personal outlet, so I’m recommitting to posting more updates from my daily life!