
You can find my various projects categorized in the Portfolio drop-down menu. A few of my favorites are:

Catalyze –  A podcast I designed and pitched for the Morehead-Cain Foundation. As the podcast’s producer and host, I planned each season’s topical theme, conducted interviews, and completed all post-production editing.

Vertical Farming Sprouts up in Tennessee Greenhouses – Pitched and reported for Nashville Public Radio; selected for NPR’s Here & Now show, which reaches 5 million weekly listeners on more than 450 stations across the country. 


Farmers’ Blues – A podcast episode exploring the challenges of finding and affording farmland in Middle Tennessee. Pitched and produced for Southern Foodways Alliance’s James Beard Award-winning podcast Gravy.              Downloaded 23,000 times within three months.


Health:Further 2017 Festival Preview – A promotional podcast episode previewing the Health:Further Festival’s speakers and topics. This episode quickly became the most popular episode on the Future of Health podcast.


Humans of the AT – Meet 12 of this year’s Appalachian Trail thru-hikers and learn why they hike. Stories collected on my 10-day AT hike in summer 2017. BRO boasts 92,105 unique web visitors per month and 358,580 monthly print readers.


Take These 4 Crucial Steps before You Hire a FreelancerWritten for LinkedIn ProFinder, a site used by freelancers and small businesses navigating the gig economy. This article garnered an average read time twice the site-wide average.


Peach Student – In the Sandhills, summertime means peaches, and peaches mean school. Our State readership totals 170,000.


Prepping Young Talent – An analysis of the rising popularity of fast-track training programs at regional banks. The NP magazine has 10,000 paid subscribers.


Compost Nashville – Efforts to reduce food waste are forming a budding trend in Nashville. NL’s circulation is 30,000+ per month.


Roast Pork and Open Doors – A personal essay reflecting on my New Year’s Eve experience in Havana. 


Not Wanting for Waste – An investigation on the scope and consequences of food waste at UNC. Honorable Mention, N.C. College Media Association. DTH readership totals 31,500.