Travel Plans

Anyone who reads this blog might be interested to know that I just made some pretty exciting travel plans…

At the end of February, I’m flying to Geneva (casual) to visit Léa Oriol: the lovely friend with whom I survived Argentina. She’s a student at Boston College but is going home to Switzerland for her spring break — of which I will be spending two and a half days with her. Sooooooo excited, as she would say 🙂

I’ve always heard Geneva is beautiful, and she tells me that we’ll spend Saturday night at her chalet in the Alps. nbd.

I also booked a flight to London the following Wednesday (can’t stop won’t stop) to visit my wonderful friend Brenna — a UNC student studying abroad there this semester — and my dear roommate Yasamin, who is visiting London for her spring break.

The three friends mentioned in this post are some of my favorite people in the world, so I couldn’t be more thrilled to be seeing them all, in such exciting places, and so soon!!!

this photo represents my feelings about visiting Léa in Geneva and Yasamin/Brenna in London


  1. pello @ UNC - February 7, 2014 @ 5:06 pm

    This girl is having some fun! ¡Qué envidia!

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